Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny

Management Committee


    13 December 2021


Report of the Director of Governance



Schedule of Petitions



1.   Members of this Committee are aware of their role in the initial consideration of petitions received by the Council. Due to the Covid pandemic, the Committee has not considered the schedule of petitions received since January 2020. This report provides an update on petitions received and recorded since that time and invites the Committee to scrutinise any actions taken and consider any next steps such as may be appropriate.




2.   This Committee has previously agreed to receive details of petitions in the format currently presented at Annex 1, which sets details of all known petitions received by the Council since January 2020, together with any agreed or planned actions.

3.   The full list of petitions received by the Council since this Committee was given the responsibility of reviewing and monitor progress and actions taken is available at

4. Members are reminded that the role of this Committee is not to determine any actions to be taken in relation to petitions but rather to monitor the progress of their consideration and the appropriateness of actions taken or responses given by those with the responsibility for taking action.




Current Petitions Update

5.    Annex A provides a list of all petitions known to be received by the Council since the last report to this Committee in January 2020, together with details of any relevant progress and/or actions since then.




6.    This Committee has been receiving a petitions schedule of this nature since at least 2015, the Committee may wish to consider whether it remains an effective means of monitoring progress and actions against Council petitions.  It is apparent that the vast majority of petitions reported to the Committee are standard practice already being adequately dealt with through other process, eg residents parking, traffic regulation orders etc.


7.    Since these arrangements have been in place the Committee has not had reason to review any actions or progress made in relation to any petitions reported to it. 


8.    In light of the above, the Committee may wish to consider reviewing existing arrangements at a future meeting.



9.    In specific regard to Annex 1 attached, Members currently have a number of options in relation to the petitions listed:


·      Request a fuller report, if applicable, for instance when a petition has received substantial support;

·      Note receipt of the petition and the proposed action;


·        Ask the relevant decision maker or the appropriate Executive Member to attend the Committee to answer questions in relation to it;


·        Undertake a detailed scrutiny review, gathering evidence and making recommendations to the decision maker;


·        Refer the matter to Full Council where its significance requires a debate;

If Members feel that appropriate action has already been taken or is planned, then no further consideration by scrutiny may be necessary.

10.  On the wider point referred to at paragraph 8 above, Members can choose to:


·        review their existing arrangements at a future meeting;

·        continue with those existing arrangements as per current practice; or

·        invite Council to reconsider how petitions might be more effectively monitored under the ongoing constitutional review




11.  Originally, all Groups were consulted on the process of considering more appropriate ways in which the Council deal with and respond to petitions, resulting in the current process. Relevant Directorates are involved in the preparation of the schedule of petitions and actions compiled at Annex 1.


12.  There are no known legal, financial, human resources or other implications directly associated with the recommendations in this report.  However, depending upon what, if any, further actions Members agree to there may, of course, be specific implications for resources which would need to be addressed.


Risk Management

13.  There are no known risk implications associated with the recommendations in this report. Members should, however, be aware of the reputational risk to the Council if it fails to ensure appropriate consideration is given to petitions from the public.   



14.  Members are asked to consider:


(i)            the petitions received on the attached Schedule at Annex 1 since January 2020 and agree any appropriate course of action which may be necessary;

(ii)         Whether a review of current Committee processes in relation to petitions would be appropriate at this time


Reason: To ensure the Committee carries out its current role in relation to petitions.

Contact Details:




Dawn Steel

Head  of Civic, Democratic

& Services

Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Janie Berry

Director of Governance

Report Approved






Wards Affected:





Background Papers: None



Annex 1 – Extract from schedule of petitions received and action taken to date